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Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Bye For Now

Well this is my last morning is Colorado. I am now sitting at a place called Baker's Way. I just got done with breakfast at a place called Benedict's which was really good. Yesterday was another good day albeit long. I started by eating at another coffee place called Mile High Coffee and got myself ready for my meeting with DU.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Beautiful Morning in Colorado Springs

Well, here I am back at another coffee shop. Today I am at Pikes Perk coffee shop in Colorado Springs. Cleverly named after Pikes Peak which lies just West of the city. I made the drive from Denver this morning which was long but manageable. It took just over an hour with busy but moving traffic. It seems it will be more similar to that than slow because I will be going the opposite way of most people, (away from Denver vs toward). Coffee and breakfast were wonderful again this morning. I am just doing some more research on CC and coming up with questions to ask them during my 2 hour interview.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Colorado Bound
Good morning everyone! I am currently sitting at a coffee shop in downtown Denver called Illegal Grounds, which concerns me a little bit; however the coffee and breakfast are great and they have internet access. I wrote this last night recapping my day...
On the plane, Three Days Grace filled my ears, however when the tips of the Rockies came into view, it all got shut out and a smile came across my face that could not be suppressed. Everything else just faded away.
I don’t know if it is the aesthetic beauty of the mountains, the endless possibilities for exploration and adventure, or just the simple thought that soon this would be my new home. A successful flight with no delays or problems to speak of puts this one in the win column. There were no passengers next to me so I was able to sprawl across 3 seats as apposed to the normal ½ of a seat each person gets. Once settled in at a family friends condo I went to see an apartment complex that was recommended to me by the front desk manager of the complex at which I am staying now. The possible living local is called The Crescent. It seemed like a great place with a gated community, and with my history of bad luck with security issues that is good. The apartments seemed quite new and were very reasonable price wise… and they had cookies in the lobby.
Once finished I selfishly decided to go rock climbing. I made my way to Morrison CO, which is best known for the Red Rocks Amphitheatre. After a little negotiating with directions, or lack thereof because I’m stubborn, I found the bouldering area. I spent some time climbing and taking self timed photos. It was a beautiful peak that was scattered with boulders. Some very short climbs of only 8 to 10 feet and some others closer to 30. I made my way to the top of the area for some photos and reflection. It was also beautiful. From one side you could see Denver in the distance. Turn to the left and you can see the Red Rocks Amphitheatre, and to the right is another ridgeline filled with boulders (Morrison South) and a gorgeous lake.
On the way back down to the car I ran into a couple local climbers and started up conversation….this is where it led. He is from the Midwest. He was a Miami University graduate. He helped build the very first climbing wall at Miami (it was in Phillips). He has bolted numerous classic lines at the red. He was an Outdoor Pursuit Center Trip Coordinator when it first came to be, and finally he made his way out to Colorado because he loved the mountains. Familiar yes? Anyway he and I are meeting tomorrow (Sunday) so that he can show me around the bouldering area more completely than I was able to see today on my own. Locals always know more about an area. Goodnight….More to come!