I am sitting in my chair having coffee and watching climbing since I have the day off. It's been a while so I figured I would update everyone on current happenings and future happenings. This past week I took a group of fraternity pledges down to the red river gorge for a search and rescue trip. My job was to hike one of their actives out into the gorge and hide him. We hiked out at about 4pm into the balmy wilderness (27 degrees). I got him out there in a timely fashion and started hiking back out of the gorge to "run into" the group searching for him. At this point I had hiked 3.5 or 4 miles. I ran into the group with no problems and told them I had not heard anyone was missing and followed them to the PLS (point last seen). They found him with minimal issues and started building their gurney to carry him out. The biggest problem is the treacherous hike out of the gorge. The first 1/2 mile is steep hiking with fairly steep cliff lines lining the trail. This would not be that big of a deal if there wasn't snow and ice everywhere. Being the medically trained person out with the group it was my job to make sure people were safe and treat people if something were to happen so this ascent was a mentally draining thing for me. It was getting colder and starting to drizzle which was less that exciting for me and I'm sure the rest of the group. I look at my clock, 9pm. Good god. We aren't even out of the gorge portion of the hike yet (the first 1/2 mile). They still have another 1 1/2 once out of the gorge. Their gurney breaks probably 5 times and they finally just carry the "patient" in a tarp. Not exactly by the book but for the circumstances it was fine. We got back to camp at 10:30 and then had dinner and debriefed their experience with them.
This week I am busy trying to finish up things for our spring break trip. We have planned an awesome Moab UT trip. Unfortunately Moab is under a foot of snow and temps are mid 30 and maybe 40s...during the day. This will not bode well for our participants so now were are stuck planning a new trip in a matter of 3 or 4 days. What we have come up with is this...
Sunday...arriving in Carslbad New Mexico
Monday...Going caving in the Carlsbad Caverns
Tuesday...Drive to White Sands National Monument and camp outside Las Cruces
Wednesday...Boulder at the City of Rocks and camp
Thursday...Camp in the Gila National Forest near the Gila Hot Springs
Friday...Hiking and Hot Springsing and checking out Native American Cliffside dwellings
We think it's ok for last minute plans.
When I get home my next trip is to Joshua Tree and Bishop California in April. The 9th through the 15th. Both Jtree and Bishop are world class bouldering areas and should be amazing. Bishop is known for high ball bouldering surrounded by the snow capped Sierra Range. Jtree is desert landscape with some small peaks and tons of boulders and nasty trad lines. Hopefully some hiking in jtree to summit Monument Mountain or Ryan Mountain.
After that (May 8th through 15th) I will be in Vail with family and Jenny and Jaime. This should be an awesome and relaxing trip. Hopefully with some summits and possibly some sport climbing. Can't wait. Going to be an exciting few months. Hope to hear from colleges soon.
PS can't wait to move to CO with Jenny. So excited. We are officially on the waiting list for our apartment. Fingers crossed everyone!
Check out some pics...

Bishop Bouldering