So I was up early this morning to write the fourth and final chapter of my MR Paper. It actually seemed to go pretty smoothly, but that doesn't always mean much. Either way I was done about 1 and decided to go back up to Ute Pass to try and finish that problem that fd up my hands prior to spring break. It was a beautiful day it was just nice to be out. Once there I got pretty stoked because I went to it first and got it second try. I was even more pleased simply because I didn't want my hands to ever look the way they did after 20 or so tries. I moved on to a few cool new things that I hadn't tried. I am always humbled when I go up there. I have never left there not feeling beaten down. Every climb is burly, its sharp, and the surrounding area is not very conducive to foot travel. The paths are pretty skinny, lots of wiry trees scratching your ankles. All kinds of fun stuff. With all this the most note worthy thing of the day was also involving the surroundings. I swear if I had somehow gotten it on video I would be a millionaire. So heres the story.
As Sharma and I were hiking out to head home I had kind of an issue. I found myself stuck while hiking through a fairly dense area of trees. Not evergreen; deciduous. Like the ones who have little pokey branches that scratch the shit out of you and catch on the crashpad. So I got stuck. Really stuck. I don't really understand how. There were branches in front of me, behind me. Everywhere really. So I was getting frustrated. Very frustrated. Being stuck somewhere is my biggest pet pieve, tied with things that are tangled. Anyway due to the frustration level in my life at the time I decided snapping the branch in front of my with all my might was the best thing to do. As usual nature won. Now let me describe this little "branch." It was about the size of a man's wrist. In its undisturbed form it stood nearly straight up. I had it bent down to the ground to snap it. Well snap it I did. And it came flying back up as if it had been ignited by the fires of hell. It hit me right in the stomach harder than I have ever been hit by anything. It literally knocked me off my feet, onto my back, and down the hill I was standing on. And the wind had been knocked out of me. Right as the branch was snapping I foresaw the following seconds. I started to say, "oh come on." Right about the time the "c" noise was coming out it was replaced with a "ughhohmyskldjhakl;hsfuckahkjs" noise. I hit the ground and immediately started saying some combination of these words and phrases on repeat for several minutes..."oh my, i forgot how much that hurts, this is terrible, Sharma! where are you, come here, fuck this is so terrible, (GASSSSP) oh my lordy." It hurt so very badly. I apologize for the expletives but that is what I said. I can't help it now. Anyway hope everyone enjoys the video and has a good rest of the weekend.
The branch (after broken and after hitting me) that decided to take my ability to breath, my pride and my censor for language.

Heart made of moss. Best picture of the day.