My Thoughts...

Risk is essential.
There is no growth or inspiration in staying within what is safe and comfortable.

Not all who wander are lost

Monday, April 25, 2011


Sorry for putting more things up here so soon.  I decided yesterday that I needed to consolidate information on my computer because it is getting full.  I realized this was the case as I saw the amount of video I have on here.  Well just say it is a lot.  So I decided to make a video of the climbing I have filmed since 2011 started.  Kind of like it did for all of 2010. The difference is I have more video from the past 4 months than I did all of 2010.  So this is the first video.  I will have to break it apart into pieces again like I did with the last long one.  This one is around 20 minutes so be warned.  Hope everyone has a good week.  By the way crutches and an aircast do not change the speed at which children do things.  
Or pets for that matter  Just sayin.

Part I

Part II

Also these pictures were just sent to me from the madre in Ohio.

 Beautiful Lauren and myself.

Ugly idiot and myself.  Matt looks as if he is guarding himself from a sneak attack.  I don't know why he feels that is necessary.

 A miracle that we were all in the 
same place at the same time!