This first video is from Castlewood Canyon. Since I was so consumed by Cave Direct during all my visits there until March of this year I have actually climbed very little of the stone there. So two weekends ago Lauren and I went and explored the other side of the canyon. Unfortunately we didn't have much luck. We did far more hiking and looking than actual climbing and the climbing wasn't the best. Either way it was a really nice day.
The second video is of the floater. I woke up this morning really motivated and wanted to put in a work day. It was really hot and not perfect conditions but a day of climbing is better than a day of just about anything else.
Also Lauren got her first pair of climbing shoes!! She was sick of wearing a pair of my old shoes that didn't fit and smelled like a pile assholes. The second video shows her using them! She is doing an awesome job and really likes it!
The other exciting news is that Megatron Falls finally made it into the guidebook for the City of Rocks in New Mexico! I was super stoked to see the book finally published and the whole thing looks great! Oh I guess I graduated from the masters program also. Thats kind of big news.

KB's gift for me from Athens...tasteful no, awesome....yes
Old pic I just found....Pretty priceless