Hello everyone! It is a beautiful day in Colorado and my morning was spent bouldering on a new stone I found up on Cheyenne Mountain. Apparently it is called the Graduation boulder. Well as mentioned I went and climbed on it this morning. It is sick. Tons of good problems from V1 to v5 and top out between 14 and 18 feet. Beautiful. The first video is another work session on The Slapper from yesterday, which I still have not finished. The second is from this morning. The first one is kind of boring unless you enjoy watching me fall the exact same way over and over again (since June). The second is pretty solid. I apologize for the lyrics. My bad.
Also I am officially done with classes until next summer. I am full time teaching again. The first two chapter of my masters research paper has been graded and ok-ed, and it is the weekend!
For anyone new you have to go to my actual website to see the videos.