So after I got over the food poisoning, Drew and Brad drove out from Columbus and Chicago. The first night was pretty quite and we hung out at Kevin Branford's house for a little while. We didn't really do a whole lot at any point during their stay. We probably could have had less beers, but we had a good time. We don't cross paths very often anymore. We did climb up at Ute Valley, and at both Sport Climbing Center and City Rock. We were in a climbing comp on New Years Eve which was fun. And then I had to go back to work.
On the 3rd I went back full time, although without kids being there. It was a work day, as was the fourth. I needed them to get things together and finished so it wasn't bad. I was a little concerned about being the full time teacher, but no point in stressing. The first day of school for the kids was the fifth. I woke up and didn't feel great. My throat kind of hurt and I was pretty groggy considering I slept for nine or so hours. The day went about as well as it could have. The kids were happy to be back, no one seemed concerned that I was the only one teaching, and there were no outrageous incidents. I stayed after to do some work, and when I finally went home, I was feeling worse. The next morning was worse still. No way was I sick on my second day as a full time teacher. Yep, I was. I got to school and pushed through to lunch. Things were still going really well so that was a positive. I checked my temperature at about eleven, and saw I had a 100 degree fever. Had to go home. I spent the next two days, Thursday and Friday, working on my Teacher Work Sample. What a huge pain in the ass. It is basically just recording data tediously into excel spreadsheets, and re-recording things elsewhere and comparing them.......and this continues...forever seemingly.
Today I felt a lot better. I got up, had coffee and breakfast, watched some climbing, and decided to go. Big shock to all. I wanted to film a problem the guys and I climbed last week that was really sweet, as well as check out a new area that I had not seen. When I got there I ran into two people who actually have been in a video of mine. They were present for one of the many many failed redpoint attempt days on The Slapper. Bob and Iona (spelling? Sorry) were there names and had come down with some friends from Denver. Small world as always. They said this was their first day back down since I saw them last. Anyway I climbed with them most of the day, did some really fun new problems and repeated the desired, then had a beer at Trinity. They are a good group to climb with. Great day, which brings me to here. I meant to have dinner at 6, it is now 9:19. As usual I got caught up in editing. Anyway, here are pics from the guys trip and a video from today. Oh, Dave Patton sent me some pictures from the third flatiron, so there are some of those! Quesadilla.
Woman on NYE struggled with the camera.

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