That is what I am brewing. I decided I wanted a Fat Tire esque beer for the summer, plus it was called "The Lazy Dog Red." I couldn't resist. So today I have yet again done very little in hopes that rest will be beneficial for my ankle. It does feel way better and I am almost walking like a normal human.
Brewing today was good, once I was done. The syphoning tool came with directions that must have been written by someone with the iq of Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber. There was literally no good information in the whole little packet. The pictures didn't even look like the actual items. And you have to put it together in different ways depending on what you're doing with it. And it doesn't tell you which way is for what thing. So I literally thought about running through the wall out of frustration as water and soap and other shit spilled all over my kitchen for the second time. And the third. Finally on try number four ish I "disassembled" some of it and figured out my own way to make it work. Or so I think. I guess we'll find out in two weeks. Hope everyone has a good week. Excited to see all you visiting people soon.
Primary fermenter and airlock.
He just stands out there are stares...
Syphoning into the carboy (glass jug) which I'm using as my secondary fermenter.
Sharma helps by laying on my sweatshirt.
Primary and the hydrometer.
The bottom of the wort. Which is what you call beer at this time in the process.
Secondary fermenter and airlock. It will be this
way til next weekend. Then into bottles!
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