My Thoughts...

Risk is essential.
There is no growth or inspiration in staying within what is safe and comfortable.

Not all who wander are lost

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Part IV

There is an f up in this.  There is a title in the first shot, that is supposed to go on the last.  I am not pleased to find it however to correct it would take me 2 hours and I do not want to.  Sorry.

Hope everyone has a great rest of their week!

Part III

Part II

Here is the second installment.

The Best of Colorado, 2010

Well the last two days have been marvelous.  I have been off of school due to the sub arctic temperatures currently in Colorado Springs.  The day before yesterday, it was 32 when I woke up.  When I left work it was 9.  Intriguing.  Then that night, it got down to -13.  So so cold.  The high for yesterday was -6.  Then last night it got down to -32.  Many of the buildings in my complex have burst pipes and have no water.  Nice.  Needless to say, I have had the past two days off.  Yesterday I decided that I wanted to make a video of all my favorite climbs from last year.  I started working on it yesterday at noon, and stopped at six to climb with Kevin Branford.  I started again when I got home at eight.  I woke up this morning at 530am to find school cancelled again.  Very excited.  So I started working on the video again at seven.  I got finished editing at 10 and started exporting.  Every time I start a new video it consumes my life until it is done.  Yikes.

I almost had it done last night when I kind of stumbled on a cool new thing.  I figured out a way to simulate camera movement so it doesn't have to be still shots all the time.  I ended up re-editing about 30% of the video after I figured this out.  It actually is very simple to do; just kind of tedious.  I'm not sure why it took me so long to figure it out.  Oh well. 

So here is the fair warning.  This video is long, and will probably not be entertaining for many, or most, people.  There is the fair warning.  Some of the songs are inappropriate so sorry for that also.

So I ended up having to export the video in installments because the whole file was larger than allowed.  There will be four parts, each about 10 minutes long.  Here is the first.  

PS sorry to those of you who get emails when I post, you will get 4 today.  My bad.