My Thoughts...

Risk is essential.
There is no growth or inspiration in staying within what is safe and comfortable.

Not all who wander are lost

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Finally Some Rock Climbing

It has been an unbelievably busy few weeks.  Mom visited then Lauren's mom did, now Corbin is here.  And we moved completely into the new house, and started painting and each started new jobs and...yea. You get the idea.  I haven't' been out climbing hardly at all since the last update and it has been exactly a month and a day. I was able to get out probably twice since last time so better than none. The new job is going very well for both of us and the house has been great.   KB and I also started framing the climbing gym which was super exciting.  We had actually planned to go bouldering  down in Hueco (Hueco Tanks in Texas) the first week of next month but it seems we are tending toward a week of gym building as to ensure it gets done fairly soon.  So stoked for that to be done.  Anyway hopefully I'll be able to post more soon.  The house is coming along and all the rest of the furniture comes tomorrow!  Cheers friends!

First ascent of Raise Your Rifles

First Ascent of Suckerpunch

7 Falls

Looking at downtown from Mt. Cutler

Framing the gym!

The no fly dance.

Lauren on a tall part of the graduation boulder!

Lauren not pleased with me at Waffle House...
circa 2am

Slightly Stoopid

Love us some Red Rocks

 Rattlesnake run in!

Happy Boy!

Ran Out of Cheez Its at work

Part of our morning routine....
dragging Lauren out of bed.

Cute thing

 First look at the wall behind the terrible wallpaper.

The prior said terrible wallpaper

Our outdoor pet snake Manfred! He's very small at the top of the shrub.

Messy but nice blue walls!

Sure is a beautiful lawnmower!


Sharma and I sit on the porch and have coffee in the mornings.

 Lauren and Jessie at the Renaissance Festival