My Thoughts...

Risk is essential.
There is no growth or inspiration in staying within what is safe and comfortable.

Not all who wander are lost

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The River Boulders and the End of School

So the first year of teaching is done.  I left today at noon after turning in my key and cleaning up my room. Pretty crazy that it is already that time.  I am excited for a few days off before having to go back to class.  I am not looking forward to that.  I have until June 6 though so that is nice.  Anyway this weekend It was nice enough to climb, and my ankle is now about 100 percent better.  I had heard about these badass boulders up Eleven Mile Canyon called the River Boulders that I have been wanting to see.  Because of the high elevation I couldn't make it there this winter.  I found them without much trouble and noticed immediately that they are huge.  Like 30 ft tall huge in one instance.  That are also about 3 ft from the river.  The setting is amazing.  About as good as it can get.  The climbing was good, but hard, and scary.  Due to the height of the boulders its a pretty serious spot to go climbing.  We made it through the day carefully and successfully though.  I didn't climb quite as well as I would have liked but it could have been worse.  

One exciting thing is I may have done a new climb in the area.  I found a boulder right next to the River Boulders that was covered in moss and had no chalk on it.  That doesn't necessarily mean it is an FA but it leans that direction.  So I cleaned it up and got chalk on the holds.  Its not terribly difficult but definitely worth it to climb!  I named the boulder the Kentucky Boulder and called the boulder problem "State of Love and Trust" after an old Pearl Jam song.  I just put the route on Mountain Project today (an online climbing database) so I will see if anyone yells at me and tells me that it has been done before.  That happens sometimes.  Either way fun route and a great day climbing by the river.  

I am now home and looking at twelve days off.  I am also looking at houses, and Lauren is moving here in nine days.  Also the folks are coming in June so thats awesome as well!  Stoked on all these things.  Hope everyone is having a great week!  Cheers!

The River Boulders

 The Kentucky Boulder

"State of Love and Trust"

 The East Twin Boulder

The West Twin Boulder

Looking at the East Twin from across the river.  About 30 ft tall.

Apparently ominous weather makes good pictures.